
Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Importance of Pipe Maintenance

Oftentimes, water damage happens from a number of scenarios: usually a leaky appliance or a faulty or broken pipes. A lot of times, appliances can be shut off or isolated to prevent further damage, but an issue in the piping of a home can be much harder to spot until it's too late. A lot of water damage is actually not caused by large-scale, immediately noticeable sources of water. In fact, some of the most problematic scenarios that require extensive restoration work come as a result of minor leaks that go undetected for weeks or months. These leaks cause long-term damage that may only finally be noticed when an event occurs that brings the issue to light; the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak. Here are some of the most common sources of water damage and steps to take to perform basic preventative maintenance.

Sinks and Faucets: Sinks are some of the most high-traffic areas for water in a home, from the bathroom to the kitchen. The pipes beneath the sink should be inspected every year or so as a general guideline to make sure that they are sealed properly. If you notice any type of stains in the cabinet floor beneath, it's time to fix the issue before it gets worse. Leaks like this can range from being a simple issue of replacing a rubber washer to replacing the pipes entirely, but the small cost of doing so can save a lot of time in the long run.

The same idea applies for faucets, where simply using them can generally be a sufficient test to see if they are functioning properly. Working faucets will not leak when shut off, have an even and well-formed water flow and will not make odd noises. If you notice issues such as air in the water supply, whistling noises or a persistent dripping even after the faucet is shut off, it may be time to hire a plumber to double check everything.

Toilets: A toilet overflow can lead to fairly complex water damage, particularly in events where the source of the leak is gray or black water filled with contaminants. Overflows can be stopped in time if noticed, but as always it's the small leaks that go unnoticed which can cause the most problems. One of the easiest ways to check for toilet problems is by simply check its performance. Toilet issues tend to crop up in a number of noticeable ways, with the first being moisture on the floor. Problems with the stopper causing the water to run forever or leak even when full can also be audibly noticed, and are typically simple and inexpensive fixes.

Clogs: Clogs can happen in any type of pipework, although the kitchen and toilet are places where they become most evident. Since these areas are where most materials get placed into the pipes, ensuring proper water flow is critical to keeping everything working. Clogs aren't always immediately apparent, and usually are a result of blockage being built up over time instead of something overnight. Some of the best ways to prevent buildup are to use filters to catch loose materials before they go down the drain. Avoid pouring fats or oils down the sink, as these are water-resistant and will eventually build up inside the pipes. Boiling hot water usually does a great job of clearing buildup, but make sure you avoid using harsh chemicals as they can cause more damage to the pipes than it's worth.

Water Heaters: Water heaters are often the most overlooked part of proper home maintenance and leak prevention. Since they tend to be out of the way in the garage or basement of a home, many homeowners forget they even exist and allow buildup or wear and tear to happen over the years, resulting in problems that occur when it's already too late. Broken water heaters can amount to some of the most costly repairs as the heater itself usually needs to be replaced in addition to the damage caused by leaks. Keep a regular inspection cycle to prevent this from happening to your property.

Appliances: Much like water heaters, commonly used appliances such as dishwashers need to be checked for potential issues such as cloggage or leaks. These should be fairly apparent if they are utilized regularly, and for the most part a handyman will be able to fix whatever you cannot figure out on your own. Some of the most common issues tend to be improperly secured or worn hoses with cracks in them, worn out washers or other easily fixable problems.

If you are not able to figure out exactly what the cause of a leak may be, but know that one exists in your home for sure, be sure to call a plumber to find out the source. Even though it's been stated many times already, it bears repeating: a little prevention goes a long way, and will save time and money for you in the end. Making sure the pipes in your home are in good working order will alleviate the vast majority of water damage scenarios well before they happen.

Temecula Valley Plumbers provides 24/7 response for all types of plumbing emergencies and services, from small maintenance jobs to major repair and reconstruction work.


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